Warning Signs of Brake Trouble We Can Fix at Our European Auto Shop in Tampa

Rennen Imports • Dec 22, 2023

For optimal safety on the road, it’s crucial that your brakes are in strong health. You just never know when you’ll need to hit the brakes hard because a reckless driver is flying toward you. So when you first notice a sign of brake trouble, you should visit the shop for an inspection. At Rennen Imports, we provide expert European brake repair in the greater Tampa area. Here are four common symptoms of a brake problem.

Squeaking or Grinding Noises

One of the most common signs of brake trouble is unusual noises when you apply the brakes. If you hear a high-pitched squeak or a grinding sound, it could be an indication that the brake pads are worn down and need replacing. Ignoring these sounds can lead to further damage to the brake components and compromise your ability to stop efficiently.

Soft or Spongy Brake Pedal

A healthy brake pedal should feel firm and responsive when you apply pressure. If you notice that your brake pedal feels soft, spongy, or easily sinks to the floor when you press it, it could be a sign of air or moisture in the brake lines. This may also indicate a brake fluid leak, which poses a major safety hazard, and means you should get towed to the shop instead of driving to it.


If you feel vibrations or pulsations in the steering wheel or brake pedal when you apply the brakes, it could be a sign of warped brake rotors. Warped rotors can compromise the even distribution of braking force, which may reduce safety. Addressing this issue promptly can prevent further damage and ensure smoother stopping.

Dashboard Warning Lights

If your dashboard displays the ABS (anti-lock braking system) warning light, it's crucial to have your brakes inspected ASAP. This warning light may indicate issues such as low brake fluid levels or faulty wheel speed sensors.

European Auto Repair in Tampa, FL

When you need European auto repair in Tampa and the surrounding area, contact Rennen Imports at (813) 879-2886. At our local European auto shop, we can expertly handle your Euro car’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!

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